English course on new technologies
Cours : English course on new technologies. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Fiona Chartier • 20 Janvier 2025 • Cours • 403 Mots (2 Pages) • 57 Vues
- 3 big changes
- Industrial revolution
People lost their jobs but other jobs were created > factories, machines
- Internet
Big reaction: everybody thought they were about to lose their job or become lazy and stop thinking
- Artificial intelligence
We thought we would be lazy and stop thinking
Chat GPT can give us a schedule (= planning)
Jobs that have been replaced by robots:
Cashier, delivery drones, secretaries, waiter, fast food workers
That will be replaced by robots:
Taxi driver, banker, accountant, delivery drivers (autonomous vehicles), teachers, surgeon,
That have been created for this generation:
Content creator, software creator, cybersecurity, community manager
Summarize in English – Video :
This is a video from BBC News, Washington, David Botit.
The subject is the consequences of robots taking our jobs.
1900 experts say robots will replace jobs but humans will find solutions
The other half are not optimistic, there will be a lot of unemployment
Examples of jobs that will be replaced: secretaries, bank tellers, cashiers, proof readers
Examples of jobs that will not be replaced: teachers, athletes, curators, fire fighters
Teach your kids to master the pitch not the keyboard
31/10 – Video / travail de groupe
“Rethinking social development with Moxie, a robot companion for kids”
Engaging with peers to develop social skills, child’s development
Moxie, animate robot develop by a company in California
Moxie is a small animated robot, launched last year
Life animated character
Using fluid conversation, realistic eye contact, body language to build a relationship
Best invention of 2020 by a magazine
Benefit society in ways never done before
Emotional, social development for kids
Ibn practical, concrete terms, builds a relationship, understanding the emotions, deal with their different states of mind
Child development specialist : it’s a tool that helps us being more successful in society
Share difficult moments, not being judjmental, how to navigate those difficulties
Data protection, security concerns
Neuroevelopment challeng
Label emotions
Regulate emotions by understanding them
Microphone, vcamera, sensors
Bad side effects, the robot is supposed to interact with the kids in a non-judgmental way, which in our opinion wouldn’t help children to cope with their own emotions. In fact, if children share their emotions with Moxie, the robot will not act in a natural way, cause it doesn’t have the social code that humans have. Moxie has been created to develop emotional and social skills, but I’m afraid the opposite will happen