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Bts Not - English 1

Note de Recherches : Bts Not - English 1. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires
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En effet, si l'on prend le cas d'un Anglais qui vient s'installer en France, et y achète une maison. Lorsqu'il décèdera, c'est la loi française qui s'appliquera, et il ne sera pas libre de léguer sa maison à la personne qu'il souhaite, car la moitié appartient à ses enfants. La solution trouvée par l'Union Européenne consiste à faire figurer dans le testament qu'en tant que citoyen Anglais, le défunt souhaite que la loi anglaise s'applique pour tout son testament. Cela risque tout de même de poser des problèmes par rapport aux lois de récupération, qui n'existent pas dans la loi anglaise. L'Angleterre et le Pays de Galle restent sceptiques.

Les débats liés à la proposition de l'Union Européenne ont montré que ce problème vient surtout d'un point de vue différent entre les anglais et les habitants de l'Europe continentale. En effet, lorsque le système anglais a été présenté aux experts continentaux, ils l'ont trouvé incohérent et injuste. Pour les anglais, c'est le système continental qui n'est pas cohérent et juste. Il s'agit pour les experts continentaux d'un droit de l'homme que de recevoir une part des biens de ses parents, égale entre frères et soeurs. Les anglais préfèrent laisser la liberté de décision à l'individu sur ses biens, et notamment de choisir à qui il les lègue lors de sa mort.

On peut trouver des torts dans les deux systèmes, mais le système anglais est montré du doigt, car ces derniers n'ont pas trouvé la même solution pour offrir à leur famille proche ce qu'ils méritent.

Je pense personnellement qu'il est juste de pouvoir choisir comment on lègue ses biens, et qu'on ne devrait pas être forcé de faire hériter une part égale à chacun de ses enfants. Cela cause d'ailleurs bien souvent des conflits, alors que tout le monde a reçu la même chose, notamment dans le cas d'une entreprise familiale qui devra être gérée par les héritiers ensemble. Dans de nombreux cas, cela mène l'entreprise à sa perte, et les familles à se déchirer. Je pense que recevoir un bien immobilier ne devrait pas être un droit de naissance, mais bien quelque chose qui se mérite. Je trouve que Warren Buffett a raison lorsqu'il dit qu'il serait anti-social de léguer des sommes colossales à ses enfants dans une société qui prône la méritocratie.

Partie 3

Traduction : Translate the title and subtitle and then paragraph 3 in column 2 from In europe, that level of mutual incomprehension to the English talk about freedom.

Title: Charlemagne / Là où il y a un testament, il y a de la dispute.

Subtitle : Ce que les lois successorales traduisent sur l'Europe, et pourquoi la Grande-Bretagne est l'intruse.

Paragraph 3 in column 2 : Ce niveau d'incompréhension mutuel en Europe vaut le coup d'être examiné. Sur le continent, la revendication des enfants d'avoir la garantie d'obtenir des parts égales d'un bien immobilier semble être un droit humain élémentaire. Une hypothèse répandue dit que les différentes lois en Angleterre existent dans le but de protéger des privilèges vieillots tel que le droit de naissance des fils aînés. Ceux qui défendent les lois successorales continentales affirment qu'ils défendent « la solidarité au sein de la famille ». Les anglais parlent de liberté.

Partie 4

Résumé écrit en anglais : After you have read the following documents in French, write a summary in English.

The first document is a form to request limited guardianship. It needs to be filled with informations regarding the incapacitated person and the legal guardian, and a signature of the person requesting the limited guardianship. It reminds that the one who will be under limited guardianship needs to be assisted in day to day life, even if he can still act on his own, and that he is not able to get his income and to oversee his spendings on his own.

Two other documents are to be attached to this form, a certificate from the regular doctor, and one from a specialist who figures on the list of the article 439-1 of the civil code. It is also mentioned that this certificate can be sent directly to the judge for medical confidentiality.

The second document is a form to request full guardianship. It is pretty much the same as the first one, except it says that the person who will be under full guardianship is completely unable to act on his own and needs to be continuously represented in day to day life. It is also said that he is unable to get his income and to oversee his spendings on his own.

The documents that are to be attached to the request are the same as previously.

The third document describes the reform of guardianships, and more precisely, the mandate for future protection, the full and the limited guardianship. That reform occurred on the 1st of January, 2009, after it had been voted in 2007. That reform was requested by magistrates, guardians, associations and individuals, because the previous law wasn't adapted anymore, due to a fast evolution of the society. Thanks to that reform, people can now decide under which conditions they will be protected in case they one day, cannot handle themselves anymore. This is especially relevant with the spread of Alzheimer's disease, so people can now decide what will happen prior to being sick, and unable to do it anymore. The rights of protected people have been strengthened, and a status of professional judiciary agent of protection of adults has been instated.

The document also mentions who can initiate a mandate of future protection, who is entitled to be agent, describes how the application of that mandate can vary depending on its type (private mandate or notarial mandate), and also says how to establish and register a mandate.

Each type of guardianship is defined in the document, along with its terms, such as who is concerned, how to establish one, and what kind of guardianships exist. It also presents the modifications brought by the reform, which tend to help to target the scope of people who need guardianship, not put the wrong people under one, and to make it easier to find out if someone doesn't need help anymore so that he's not put under unneeded restraints. The modifications' aim is also to protect the incapacitated persons, by strengthening the protection of their goods and persons.

Partie 5

Réponses en anglais aux questions posées : Answer the following questions in English.

1. The two first documents are forms to put someone under limited and full guardianship. The second document is an article, and it describes what the 2009 reform brought to guardianships.

2. The 2009 reform has deleted a few types of limited guardianships that were no longer considered relevant, it has added the possibility to name a surrogate guardian, it has strengthened the protection of incapacitated persons, an audition in front of the judge is now necessary prior to putting someone under guardianship, the legal protection is now limited to 5 years after which a reexamination of the situation is automatically conducted to see if the guardianship should be prolonged or not. A person under full guardianship will now be able to proceed strictly personal deeds, such as subscribing to a life insurance. A mandate of future protection has been instated, which allows people to chose the conditions under which they will be guarded if they ever need it.

Those changes were made because the evolution of the society made it necessary to change the laws regarding guardianships. Some people were put under guardianships that were not well adapted to their needs, so some distinctions had to be created regarding the application of guardianships.

3. When a person wants to prepare his future protection, he can go to a public notary, who will establish the mandate through a notarial deed. This gives more power to the agent who will help him if he ever becomes incapacitated. The public notary's role is to control the correct carrying out of the mandate. The agent must give him each year a detailed inventory of what he has done, the yearly accounts of the ward, and its justifications. The notary's role is also to seize the judge supervising a guardianship if he ever thinks that the warded person's interests are threatened.

To sum it up, the role of a public notary is to increase the protection of the incapacitated person.

4. In the case of a future


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