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Les Déjeuner Des Canotiers Analyse

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|deviendra un cinéaste renommé. | |


|(boat-people lunch) | |

|de Pierre-Auguste RENOIR 1881 | |

|[pic] |

|We can see men and women on a terrace. Some are sitting down, others standing. Some are talking, a woman (his future wife) is playing |

|with a dog, a man is looking around. They are wearing different hats. There is a table with a crumpled tablecloth, fruits and bottles. |

|Dominant colour is white, the painting is brilliant. In the background there are vegetation and water. This scene seems to be real as a |

|photo. People seem happy except a few ones. We feel like being with them. |

|Biography : |Some paintings from Renoir : |

| | |

|Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born in Limoges in 1841. He starts at 14 |La Liseuse, 1874 (reading woman) |

|by decorating porcelain and starts Art School in 1862. Prefering |La barque, 1878 (the boat) |

|nature, he paints outside. With Monet, he discovers how to render |Le déjeuner des canotiers, 1881 (boat-people lunch) |

|light effects by lightening his paintings with various colours |Dans la prairie, 1890 |

|touches. This is impressionism birth. At first criticized, he knows |(in the meadow) |

|then European success and dies half-paralysed in 1919. One of his |Deux jeunes filles au piano, 1892 (two young ladies at the piano)|

|sons, Jean, became a famous film maker. |Trois baigneuses jouant, 1897 (three playing swimmers) |

| |Gabrielle avec des roses, 1911 (Gabrielle with roses) |


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