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Bts Sio Cned Devoir d'Anglais 1

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ez à savoir comment et avec quelle fréquence les choses tournent mal et quelle assistance il peut alors vous fournir. Le prix est souvent le critère numéro 1 des PME-PMI mais l’assistance, les termes du contrat et la facturation exacte sont tous des éléments importants de l’ensemble. Pensez aussi qu’il peut y avoir des coûts d’installation. Parthénon a dépensé vingt mille livres en câblage de fibres optiques et le personnel aura besoin de formation pour le nouveau système, des dépenses qui sont souvent oubliées. Les changements de technologie peuvent être l’occasion pour les PME de devenir aussi compétitives que les grosses compagnies. Cela peut représenter des économies significatives pour certaines entreprises et les nouveaux processus peuvent vous aider à mieux servir vos clients. Mais gardez votre sang froid au moment d’acheter.

Exercice 3 (6 points) Possibilité de réponse

Expression écrite

Le choix final est à la fois objectif, mais tout de même reste personnel et propre à vous ! All of the laptops have the same RAM capacity of 4 gigabytes. The main differences are in screen size; ranging from 15.6 inches to 17.3 inches; choice of operating system, hard disk capacity and other features such as weight, style and battery life. The four models range in processor speeds from 1.6 gigahertz to 2.53 gigahertz for laptop B, the most powerful model, with the fastest processor. It also has the largest screen at 18.4 inches. It is the most expensive model, and the only laptop which runs MAC OS, all the rest run Windows XP, the most widely used system. MAC OS is however much easier to use and is more user-friendly than Windows XP. Laptop A is slower than the MAC at 1.73 gigahertz; it has the same size hard disk but a smaller screen. It is the lightest of the models and is very stylish. It is cheaper than laptop B. Laptop C has a smaller disk capacity than the previous models, 750 gigabytes, but a larger screen than Laptop A at 17.3 inches, the same size as laptop D. It is cheaper than the other two models and is in fact the cheapest of all the laptops. However the battery life is shorter than all the other models. Laptop D is slightly more expensive than laptop C, but cheaper than laptops A and B. It is the heaviest model. It also has the smallest-sized hard disk at 500 gigabytes In conclusion, the choice is narrowed to the two most expensive models. Laptop B seems to be the best choice for our needs. It is the most expensive but it also has the best specifications. It also has the advantage of being capable of running the two systems Windows XP and MAC OS independently or simultaneously, which makes it more cost-effective than Laptop A. (312 mots)




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