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Notion idea of progress : How do immigrants integrate into the America society?

Dissertation : Notion idea of progress : How do immigrants integrate into the America society?. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  12 Mai 2019  •  Dissertation  •  472 Mots (2 Pages)  •  787 Vues

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Today I'm going to talk about

the notion of spaces and exchanges. Our world is bult on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and linguistic interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world. We worked on this notion with

the question “ How do immigrants integrate into the America society?”

the first part will talk about

the integration of migrants in the country and their relationship with the inhabitants and in the second part will talk about the integration of immigrants with a new culture.

The first document is a cartoon,

we can see the figure of USA, It's the uncle sam, a famous personage of America. He showing a poster with a message “ keep out”. This message is for immigrants because a part of america's society against the arrival of migrants in their country for fear of

stealing their work for example.

The second document is a picture

of a group of men. We can see this group in the process of build a border in barbed. This fence is between Mexico and USA. So this group is ready for defend their country from illegal immigration. They wear a t-shirt who is write “ if we build it they won't

come”, it represent immigrants.

So the relationships between

immigrants and

In the second part, we will

see the relationship with inhabitants it's very bad and immigrants aren't welcome in the USA.

Secondly we going to talk about

the adaptation of immigrants with a new culture. With the novel by illan stavans. Her title is “spanglish”, It's the story of a men who are born in Mexico si he is an immigrant. For him It's advantage because he had created a new language, It's a mix between

English and spanish. For him this mix is a juxtaposition is full of colors and exotic sounds. So the adaption was very good for illan Stavans.

In a second document, we going

to talk about the integration of Lensey Namioka. She write a novel with title “ at the restaurant”, it's a anecdote about her integration in USA.

When she was young, she was

in a restaurant with her family. It was the first time she ate in other restaurant than chinese restaurant. They were in restaurant because his father was promoted so we celebrated this. But during the meal the family ate a soup, but


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