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Windows On The World dissertations et mémoires


Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 620 Windows On The World dissertation gratuites 401 - 425

Dernière mise à jour : 27 Juin 2015
  • Peut-on faire le bonheur d'autrui?

    Peut-on faire le bonheur d'autrui?

    Paul Eluard a dit : « Il ne faut pas de tout pour faire un monde. Il faut du bonheur et rien d'autre ». Le bonheur est ce que recherche tout Homme dans sa vie. D’après Eluard pour faire un monde, il faut seulement du bonheur. Mais lorsqu’un Homme est heureux peut-il le faire partager à autrui. Nous allons donc nous poser la question suivante : Peut-on faire le bonheur d’autrui ? Par définition, le

    1 972 Mots / 8 Pages
  • The role of the governance

    Arts, Sciences and Technology University in Lebanon C:\Users\n\Downloads\download.jpg The Role of Governance on Organizational Development: Case of North Lebanon Private Universities Thesis for the Masters in Business Administration of Marketing and Advertising Prepared by: Moatassem Halimi Supervised by: Mr. Jean Elia ________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report would not have been possible without the support of many people. The authors’ first wish is to express my sincere gratitude to the project supervisor, Mr.Jean Elia, for his advice

    24 721 Mots / 99 Pages
  • The Death Penalty

    The Death Penalty

    The death penalty is a controversial issue, because of its irrevocable and barbaric aspect. This type of sentence leaves no chance for mistake, and the Stat should not have the power of life and death over its citizens. What is unfair about this sentence is that rich people escape more easily to this penalty than the poor ones who cannot afford a good lawyer. And, what is especially unfair, is that the death penalty doesn’t

    579 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The Casbah, fiche en anglais

    The Casbah, fiche en anglais

    The Casbah Résultat de recherche d'images pour "the casbah of algiers" Casbah means citadel. It is a place for the local leader to live. Casbah from the Arabic “fortified place” exists in the North Africa. In Algiers, the word once referred to only to the citadel built over the old city, but it came to mean the old city itself. It is 122 meters above the sea. It is a mid-sized city which was built

    743 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Analyse article Fabrication of graphene films on TiO2 nanotube arrays for photocatalytic application

    Analyse article Fabrication of graphene films on TiO2 nanotube arrays for photocatalytic application

    Quel est (sont) l’(les) objectif(s) des auteurs ? Quel est l’intérêt de faire un tel type de dépôt ? A l’aube d’une nouvelle génération de matériaux semi-conducteurs, les chercheurs auteurs de Fabrication of graphene films on TiO2 nanotube arrays for photocatalytic application ont cherché à mettre à profit les propriétés du dioxyde de titane TiO₂ et du graphène afin de produire un photo-catalyseur semi-conducteur aux propriétés remarquables. D’une part le TiO₂ a été sélectionné pour

    1 369 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: The Effect of Defences Erected Against Hostile Takeovers

    Mergers and Acquisitions: The Effect of Defences Erected Against Hostile Takeovers

    Mergers and Acquisitions: The Effect of Defences Erected Against Hostile Takeovers Introduction In 2015, the value of announced Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) touched the $5 trillion.[1] The value of such transactions far exceeds the GPD of various countries across the globe which indicates the importance of Mergers and Acquisitions in today’s world of business. Many companies consider M&As as a corporate strategy (Sunder, 2014) and believe that vital growth can be acquired from the use

    818 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais, The purpose of testing the data variables for Group.

    Anglais, The purpose of testing the data variables for Group.

    The purpose of testing the data variables for Group #3 (4 members) was to check and confirm the main hypothesis that has been raised, which is how the companies CSR, communication to customers, product aesthetics itself and the price factors are influential towards the online purchase decision making process. The SPSS statistics software was used to analyze collected data (quantitative methods-surveys) collected from 662/732 variable samples (70 of them were deleted due the errors in

    1 293 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The idea of progress

    The idea of progress

    The idea of progress My notion is « The idea of progress » and my issue is « Should we fear progress ? ». The deffinition of progress is the positive evolution of the world in therms of science, technology. It's the evolution of civilization to an ideal goal. So, I'm going to deal with the positive aspect of progress first and after, I'm going to talk about that the progress can be dangerous. On

    728 Mots / 3 Pages
  • To what extent is Beethoven’s “Eroica” Symphony a pivotal point in the history of music?

    To what extent is Beethoven’s “Eroica” Symphony a pivotal point in the history of music?

    In the view of many musicians and music analyst, Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony (Eroica) is considered as the first romantic piece in the history of music. Beethoven started composing this symphony after he had written the famous Heiligenstadt Testament. The Heiligenstadt Testament is a Letter that was addressed to his 2 brothers, Karl and Johann. It reflects his despair over his increasing deafness and his desire to overcome his physical and emotional ailments to complete his

    1 300 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Ne désire-t-on vraiment que ce qui de la valeur pour les autres?

    Ne désire-t-on vraiment que ce qui de la valeur pour les autres?

    Dans un monde dans lequel le paraître est roi, où la consommation est reine, où l’esprit critique n’existe pratiquement plus, le fait d’avoir une existence propre devient très difficile. Notre existence étant tributaire du regard des autres, nous nous devons de répondre à leurs attentes. De ce fait, nous ne pouvons plus avoir de désirs propres mais sommes obligés de faire nôtres ceux des autres. Par conséquent, nos envies et nos souhaits doivent avoir une

    3 383 Mots / 14 Pages
  • The wall between Mexico and the United States and the reaction of Californians.

    The wall between Mexico and the United States and the reaction of Californians.

    We will present our presentation on the wall between Mexico and the United States and the reaction of Californians. Introduction : On 20th , September 2017, Xavier Becerra, the California Attorney General, filed a lawsuit against the US government. In his complaint, which concerns the border counties of San Diego and Imperial, Xavier Becerra believes that the Trump administration violates the US Constitution, California and federal environmental laws, because of the construction of the barrier

    807 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Sur quels critères choisit-on un nom commercial ?

    Sur quels critères choisit-on un nom commercial ?

    Question 1 : Sur quels critères choisit-on un nom commercial ? On choisit un nom commercial en fonction du secteur d'activité. Le potentiel client doit pouvoir grâce au nom, en déduire le secteur d'activité de l'entreprise. Le nom commercial doit être suivie du type de société (ex : SARL, SAS). La dénomination de l'entreprise peut également contenir un nom, un pseudonyme ou une expression liée à son activité. Il est cependant interdit d'utiliser une dénomination

    691 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Dans quelle mesure peut-on recourir à une politique d’inspiration keynésienne face aux crises actuelles ?

    Dans quelle mesure peut-on recourir à une politique d’inspiration keynésienne face aux crises actuelles ?

    Dans quelle mesure peut-on recourir à une politique d’inspiration keynésienne face aux crises actuelles ? Les crises économiques de ces dernières années, qu’elles trouvent leur source dans le monde de la finance ou celui de l’industrie, ont relancé le débat sur la pertinence des politiques économiques inspirées de Keynes. L’État doit-il et peut-il remettre de l’huile dans la machine économique afin de la relancer ? Ou son action est-elle finalement nuisible ? L’économiste John-Maynard Keynes

    753 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum

    The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum

    The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum EE3AH3 CN Architectural Humanities 3 Critical Theory and Interpretation AH-CHOON Clarence 6509878 ________________ Introduction The essay will look at how the Suzhou museum can be seen as a minimalist architecture with the use of the famous quote “less is more” by Mies Van Der Rohe. The definition of this quote will explain two important keywords which are the message and essential. This will be related

    3 671 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Peut-on distinguer de vrais et de faux besoins ?

    Peut-on distinguer de vrais et de faux besoins ?

    Peut-on distinguer de vrais et de faux besoins ? Dans un monde et un système en expansion qui semblent refléter la soif inépuisable de l'homme de posséder, de consommer et de s'améliorer en permanence, il arrive facilement de penser que l'homme contemporain est un être d’excès, et qu'il n'a pas de réels besoins, c'est à dire des éléments qui sont nécessaire à sa vie, et qu'il pourrait se limiter au stricte nécessaire. Pour autant, n'est-il

    1 636 Mots / 7 Pages
  • The princess and the frog, 2009

    The princess and the frog, 2009

    The princess and the frog comes out 2009, which is the year of Obama's election as president. This American animated musical film was produced by Walt Disney Studio and, it was released by Walt Disney Pictures with a budget of 105 million. This movie is based on the novel the frog princess by E.D Baker. That novel was also inspired by the fairy tale “the frog prince” written by the brothers Grimm. This movie represents

    658 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How Mark Zuckerberg represent the American dream ?

    How Mark Zuckerberg represent the American dream ?

    MARK ZUCKERBERG There are many people who inspire us in life and give a definition of the « American dream » for various reasons. It’s the case of Mark Zuckerberg, he went from just a child born into a poor city in a middle class family, to become the youngest billionaire in the world. This article are going to talks about his life of heroe and to answer to the question How Mark Zuckerberg represent

    411 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Mot d’accueil de l’adaptation théâtrale du film The Prophet

    Mot d’accueil de l’adaptation théâtrale du film The Prophet

    Mot d’accueil de l’adaptation théâtrale du film The Prophet Révérendes sœurs, chers parents et amis, Nombreux d’entre vous pourraient se demander quel est l’intérêt d’adapter en 2018 un texte littéraire datant de 1923 ? Malgré les quatre-vingt-quinze ans écoulés, Le Prophète de Gibran Khalil Gibran demeure une des œuvres incontournables à l’échelle internationale, traduite en plus de quarante langues. Le secret de la réussite de l’ouvrage le plus vendu aux États-Unis après la Bible réside

    334 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What might be the future energies ?

    HABAB MOHAMED PEIP 1 What might be the future energies ? People are already familiar with solar power, wind power, and even water power. But when it comes to the future of energy, those renewable power sources soon could be old news. Scientists and engineers are now building mashup versions of the renewable sources we’re using today with the goal of generating power with even greater efficiency and sustainability.John Rogers , senior energy analyst for

    977 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Predicting the returns of orders for a retail shoe seller

    Predicting the returns of orders for a retail shoe seller

    TSIA-SD 210 Challenge 2018 Predicting the returns of orders for a retail shoe seller Group member: XIA Jin YI Muyang ZHANG Jiwei Data prepossessing 1. Raw training data At first, we only use the data from the train.csv, without products.csv and customers.csv. Using the random forest with default hyper parameter, we get a classifier who has a training accuracy around 65% and test accuracy 60%. In addition, the features such as LineItem, UnitPMPEUR, TotalLineItems have

    2 352 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Literature Review: The performance of active investment managers

    Literature Review: The performance of active investment managers

    The performance of active investment managers Literature Review May 2017 The performance of active investment managers Author : Lazrek Narjisse Due date: 31.05.2017 13:00 Table of content: Introduction 1.Conventional Performance Measures 1. Sharpe Ratio 2. Treynor Ratio 1.3Jensen’s Alpha 1. Performance 2.1. Conventional performance tests 2.2. Relative performance evaluations 2.3. Performance persistence 1. The Active Managers 3.1. Measuring manager skills 3.2 Accomplishment of Active Managers 3.3. The Performance of active investment managers Conclusion References Introduction

    2 342 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Peut-on dire que notre inconscient agit à notre place ?

    Dissertation : Peut-on dire que notre inconscient agit à notre place ? I- L’expression de l’inconscient D’emblée, l’inconscience est un étranger qui peut se s’exprimer en se manifestant par des actions non décidées par l’Homme , de plus , c’est ce qui permet de distinguer notre identité apparente de notre identité réelle, tous les sentiments et les émotions qui sont enfouis profondément dans notre être, que nous ne pouvons pas en prendre conscience, peuvent agir

    632 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Alterity in the fiction of Yann Martel

    Alterity in the fiction of Yann Martel

    Introduction “Where are you from?” the boy asked. “From many places.” “No one can be from many places,” the boy said. “I’m a shepherd, and I have been to many places, but I come from only one place—from a city near an ancient castle (Coelho 19). The conversation between Santiago and King Melchizedek throws some light on the cosmopolitan nature of English literature and that of the writer Yann Martel. The English literature of the

    5 046 Mots / 21 Pages
  • IFRS Norm on data

    IFRS Norm on data

    Logo Groupe EDHEC.jpg BBA EDHEC Programme de l’EDHEC Accrédité EQUIS et AACSB Reconnu par l’Etat à Diplôme Visé Mémoire de fin d’études 4ème année Promotion 2018 La Valorisation des Données Personnelles dans les Entreprises Nom et Prénom de l’étudiant : Mr Mehdi TRIKI Directeur de mémoire : Mr Laurent HEEM ________________ TABLE DES MATIERES INTRODUCTION 5 Partie I – La valorisation de la donnée personnelle par le biais du Big Data : Quels fonctionnements ?

    13 482 Mots / 54 Pages
  • Notes de lecture. The round house.

    Notes de lecture. The round house.

    THE ROUND HOUSE Passage in the novel that you found particularly interesting or impactful: “ We were not churchgoers. This was our ritual. Our breaking bread, our communion. And it all began with that trusting moment where my father walked up behind my mother and she smiled at his approach without turning. But now they stood staring at each other helplessly over the broken dish. (…) She took a gasping breath and put her had

    1 056 Mots / 5 Pages