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Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 338 Langues dissertation gratuites 251 - 300

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  • Phèdre, l'aveu

    Phèdre, l'aveu

    I de la scène d’aveu de Phèdre Cet aveu de Phèdre que nous présente Racine est un épisode majeur de sa pièce. Il représente le moment où tout bascule et est vécu comme un moment de libération. En effet, la présence au vers 6 d’un passage à la deuxième personne

    273 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Phrases simples et phrases complexes

    Phrases simples et phrases complexes

    Phrase simple Un seul verbe conjugué ⮚ une seule proposition Ex : [Victor Hugo est un grand écrivain] Phrase complexe Au moins 2 verbes conjugués ⮚ Au moins 2 propositions Ex : [Loréna se leva] et [lut un poème] Propositions pouvant être reliées de 3 manières La Juxtaposition Propositions reliées

    611 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Physical Education Final

    Physical Education Final

    Physical Education Final Chapter 1 1. Explain how deaths caused by germs are lower now versus deaths associated to lifestyle factors Historically, it was diseases caused by viruses and bacteria that made us ill and even killed us well before our time. Thanks to the advances of the last century

    2 074 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Pièce de théâtre en anglais

    Pièce de théâtre en anglais

    Lucy Caroline My name is Lucy i’m a 62 years old isolated widow My name is Caroline I’m an AI offered to Lucy by her daughter The scene takes place in Lucy flat in London And Caroline and Lucy are about to meet. Début de la scène: Hello my name

    303 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and form of power

    Places and form of power

    Places and form of Power: Documents : * TEXT & PICTURE: Flash Mobs * Organized on social network * Broadcast by CNN (America news channel) * Flash Mobs is sudden and planned gathering of people in a particular place. * In the picture we see a group of people dancing,

    440 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power

    Places and forms of power

    Places and forms of power The power can express it with different ways, through the movement of the media : reality TV, internet, written press, the Civil Right Movement and the politic recognition or financial power. The power may be religious. The politic power of the british was very strong

    277 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power

    Places and forms of power

    Places and forms of power The power can express it with different ways, through the movement of the media : reality TV, internet, written press, the Civil Right Movement and the politic recognition or financial power. The power may be religious. The politic power of the british was very strong

    277 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power, How did African-Americans reach recognition?

    Places and forms of power, How did African-Americans reach recognition?

    At the beginning of the year, we studied the theme and forms of power, and especially the recognition of African Americans. Power is the ascendancy, the hold, the dominion exercised over a person or a group of individuals. It can be physical, moral or psychological. It is appropriate for an

    588 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: How did African Americans rebel to defend their rights ?

    Places and forms of power: How did African Americans rebel to defend their rights ?

    PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER I'm going to talk about the notion places and forms of power. First of all, the organization of any society implies a particular distribution of power between its different groups on a political, soci or generally also implies a basic division between those who have

    733 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: witch hunting.

    Places and forms of power: witch hunting.

    Places and forms of power : Witch hunting. I’m going to talk about the places and forms power. Power is the ability to control people's . In order to live together members of a community accept rules, it helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and

    534 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Plan comparatif Jacques Cartier et le baron de Lahontan

    Plan comparatif Jacques Cartier et le baron de Lahontan

    Devoir 1D – Plan et rédaction Étape 1 : Plan comparatif du développement Point de vue : Non, les textes de Cartier et de Lahontan présentent des perspectives différentes sur la présentation des autochtones, Cartier étant davantage axé sur l'utilité économique, tandis que Lahontan adopte une approche plus anthropologique. Argument

    967 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Polemical aspect remains after president mandate

    Polemical aspect remains after president mandate

    Polemical aspect remains after president mandate To follow To vaccinate A vaccine Very high A caregiver Breakthrough Moving a step closer Food and drug administration A cabinet, chose person help him Resume American policy John Kerry special envoy Expanse Feature Fleet Thicker Blacklight To leverage Grass Came to office To

    293 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Political power

    Political power

    I’m going to talking about the notion of power and more exactly political power which consists to show the African-American Recognition. Despite all the hardships African Americans have had to face so far, they have never stopped struggling for their rights. In the 1960, African American artists and intellectuals went

    524 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Portrait d'Acis, analyse linéaire Les Caractères de La Bruyère

    Portrait d'Acis, analyse linéaire Les Caractères de La Bruyère

    INTRODUCTION LA BRUYÈRE LES CARACTÈRES La Bruyère, auteur classique du 17e siècle. Il s’inspirera du grec Théophraste pour écrire et faire le portraits de ses contemporains. Le classicisme développe un idéal de l’«honnête homme». L’homme de lettres fut le tuteur de fils de Condé il évolue à la cour de

    1 687 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Pow Wow event

    Pow Wow event

    il y a quelques jour je suis parti avec mes parents a un evenemnt qui se nomme le pow wow c'est une tradition autochtones et je voulais parler de mon ressenti sur l'evement .le pow wow est une fête qui convoque la musique les danse , les habillement de danse

    431 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Presentar tu lugar favorito en espanol

    Presentar tu lugar favorito en espanol

    Hola, hoy voy a presentar mi lugar favorito que es la casa de mi tía, localizada en Cerdeña., una isla italiana al sur de Córcega La isla de Cerdeña es uno de esos lugares paradisíacos en los que puedes perderte entre playas, historia y gastronomía Creo que es una verdadera

    411 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Présentation d'un blog sur le chili

    Présentation d'un blog sur le chili

    Tu guía para vivir en Chile escrito por expatriados franceses Holà queridos visitante de mi blog , hoy voy a hablar de mi viaje a chile y aconsejarles sobre qué visitar y hacer cuando van a chile por un largo período de tiempo. En primer lugar, voy a presentar este

    1 263 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Présentation de lycées en anglais

    Présentation de lycées en anglais

    Tache finale d'anglais Valentin : Hello, I'm Mister Clark and I'm the head master of the sciences high school. Welcome to our high school. Our high school is located in New York in USA and it's the best high school qualified in the sciences. Our high school is public but

    283 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Presentation du livre Cendrillon de Joël Pommerat

    Presentation du livre Cendrillon de Joël Pommerat

    "Cendrillon" est une pièce de théâtre contemporaine écrite et mise en scène par Joël Pommerat, un dramaturge français reconnu pour ses œuvres novatrices et provocantes. Cette adaptation moderne du célèbre conte de fées revisite l'histoire classique de Cendrillon avec une sensibilité contemporaine, offrant une réflexion profonde sur les thèmes

    331 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Quels débats récents se sont posés en lien avec ces libertés ?

    Quels débats récents se sont posés en lien avec ces libertés ?

    Quels débats récents se sont posés en lien avec ces libertés ? Récemment en France, un débat s’est tenu sur les collégiens ou lycéens qui devraient avoir une tenue appropriée à un lieu d’enseignement ou une tenue correcte. Ces obligations floues sont seulement déterminées par le règlement intérieur de certains

    350 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Quiz sur les Amish

    Quiz sur les Amish

    Hello everyone. Today, in order to understand how the Amish community lives, we're going to present their traditions and ceremonies, which are quite special and set them apart from most of society. Answer the questions in our Kahoot test and we'll explain each tradition the question was about. 1.Amish church

    391 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Remarque 7, livre V, La Bruyère

    Remarque 7, livre V, La Bruyère

    Analyse linéaire de la remarque 7, livre V Commentaire: Du début jusqu’à «parler comme tout le monde?», l’auteur dessine le portrait d’un courtisan, grâce à un dialogue fictif dont il est lui-même l’interlocuteur. C’est d’ailleurs lui qui entame le dialogue, par trois phrases interrogatives rhétoriques, ce qui peut paraître paradoxal

    1 019 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Résumé du jeu soleil

    Résumé du jeu soleil

    Salut les joueurs petite présentation d'un bon jeu rétro en ce mois d'avril sans pour autant avoir ce fichu Soleil... Justement voici Soleil, un jeu qui est sorti sur Megadrive en 1994, une exclusivité Sega. Cela fait plusieurs années que je ne l'ai pas sorti, et je me suis dit

    391 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Révolution industrielle anglaise

    Révolution industrielle anglaise

    Industrial revolution : More than an era, the term “industrial revolution” designates a set of phenomena that accompanied, from the eighteenth century, the transformation of the modern world through the development of capitalism, technology, production and communications. The first industrialization would have as a material iron, as a form of

    350 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Road 66

    Road 66

    BOUCHENTOUF TL Fatima ANGLAIS DM The Road 66 is mythical because it has become the symbol of an entire generation of Americans who love freedom and travel. She was indeed the icon of the new America, united and adventurous. Built to link the East to the West. Route 66 has

    436 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Rolex RSE

    Rolex RSE

    ROLEX Introduction Rolex, founded in one thousand nine hundred and fifty by Hans Wilsdorf, is a Swiss manufacturer of luxury watches. Its flagship model Oyster has existed since one thousand nine hundred and twenty six . With a turnover of eight billion, it is the world's leading luxury watch brand,

    483 Mots / 2 Pages
  • ROUTE 66 : more than a road, a myth and a legend

    ROUTE 66 : more than a road, a myth and a legend

    ROUTE 66 : more than a road, a myth and a legend Road 66 or mythical road loaded with memories. A road of the 1920s when parade landscapes of postcards. Mother Road also inspired numerous artists … Road 66, Mother Road, or Hand Street USA, is a mythical, legendary road,

    534 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Royal vocabulary

    Royal vocabulary

    ADJECTIVES 1° What you imagine about former kings and queens 2° what you would be if you were a king or a queen 3° what you know about the British Royals VERBS AND EXPRESSIONS 1° What you imagine about kings and queens 2° what you would be if you were

    315 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Safeway lesson

    Safeway lesson

    Intro We will be introducing SAFEWAY, SAFEWAY is an American supermarket chain founded by Marion Barton Skaggs in April 1915 in Idaho. Their headquarters are based in Pleasanton, California, USA. Their revenue is almost at 38 billion USD with an economic value of 17.2 billion USD. The chain provides grocery

    455 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Schachnovelle, eine Novelle ?

    Schachnovelle, eine Novelle ?

    „Schachnovelle“ – wirklich eine Novelle? (Synthese der GA von Agathe, Justine und Lépold) -Das Wort Novelle kommt von „novella“ (Neuigkeit): ein italienisches Wort à das Paradebeispiel der Novelle kommt aus Italien Bocaccio « Decameron» (um 1350) -Definition der Novelle für die deutsche Literatur: « Was ist eine Novelle anders al

    294 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Servant leadership

    Servant leadership

    1. Servant leadership is a leadership process in which the main task is to provide service to the followers. It considers whether followers have autonomy in the work process, whether they are restricted by their superiors, and how satisfactorily the disadvantaged and less privileged people in the organization are treated.

    610 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Should social media be controlled by the federal government ?

    Should social media be controlled by the federal government ?

    Essay Writing : Should social media be controlled by the federal government ? Since the emergence of social networks such as Facebook or Twitter there has been a recomposition of public space as these digital platforms have facilitated expression and collective action. These practices are more and more visible and

    587 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Simone de beauvoir

    Simone de beauvoir

    Simone de Beauvoir nacio el nueve de enero 1908 en Paris. También es la ciudad donde morirá el 14 de abril de 1986donde será enterrada con su marido Su muerte es celebrada por las todas feministas del mundo entero. Ella vive en un ambiente rico aunque su infancia fue estricta

    296 Mots / 2 Pages
  • South Africa : oral d'anglais bac

    South Africa : oral d'anglais bac

    EXPRESSION ORAL D ANGLAIS Power refers to the ability to influence the behaviour of others or the political or social authority exercised by a government, individuals or an institution. In addition, if power exists in our society, it means that counter-power exists too and subjects may reject the power. We

    826 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : is a gap year always beneficial?

    Spaces and exchanges : is a gap year always beneficial?

    Space And Exchanges I am going to talk about Spaces and Exchanges First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is

    427 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : What can tourists do to avoid overtourism?

    Spaces and exchanges : What can tourists do to avoid overtourism?

    Spaces and exchanges The notion I will deal with is "spaces and exchanges". In order to do this, I'm going to put the emphasis on the theme of tourism, and particularly on its exacerbated version called "overtourism" to which the world is prey to nowadays. Since it's a phenomenon which

    911 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges: how haw advertising changed and adapted over the year to influence our choices and our lifestyle?

    Spaces and Exchanges: how haw advertising changed and adapted over the year to influence our choices and our lifestyle?

    Synthèse n°2 D’anglais I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with it, I'd like to give a definition of exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, advertising

    580 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spacies and exchanges : How is immigration a positive form of exchange for the USA but as the same time criticized and badly viewed ?

    Spacies and exchanges : How is immigration a positive form of exchange for the USA but as the same time criticized and badly viewed ?

    The notion i am going to deal with is spacies and exchanges. To begin i’d like to give a définition of the notion :an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movment or circulation. There are

    551 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spazi e Scambi

    Spazi e Scambi

    Spazi e scambi Introduzione : Le nozioni di spazi e di scambi sono nozioni complementari e indissociabili. ∙•••••••• Uno spazio è una nozione fisica che allude alla geografia per la maggior parte del tempo. Uno spazio può anche essere virtuale o simbolica. ∙•••••••• Uno scambio è una nozione materiale o

    653 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Stereotypen, vooroordelen en discriminatie

    Stereotypen, vooroordelen en discriminatie

    HT 13 : Stereotypen, vooroordelen en discriminatie Begrippen: Stereotype * Schema van mentale constructie over sociale groep die eigenschappen delen * Cognitief Vooroordeel * Negatieve gevoelens tegenover sociale groepen * Affectief (negatief of positief) Discriminatie * Gedrag gericht naar individuen gebaseerd op groepslidmaatschap * Makkelijkst te onderscheiden van vooroordelen &

    295 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Strategic Design and Management of a Biotechnology Warehouse

    Strategic Design and Management of a Biotechnology Warehouse

    Strategic Design and Management of a Biotechnology Warehouse Objective: Create a detailed plan for a unified warehouse facility for Beckman Coulter, focusing on equipment procurement, budget allocation, and distinct operational functions for raw materials and finished products. Background Information: Beckman Coulter requires a state-of-the-art warehouse to manage its biotechnology products.

    352 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Structures itératives ou répétitives

    Structures itératives ou répétitives

    Activités Chp-4 : Structures itératives ou répétitives Exercice d’application 1 (Structure Tantque) Catherine fait un placement bancaire de 3000$ au taux annuel de 35%. Écrire un algorithme qui calcule et affiche le nombre d’années au bout desquelles Catherine disposera d’au moins 7000$ sur son compte bancaire. Analyse Entree mt :

    349 Mots / 2 Pages


    Abandonned Animals in America Introduction : I chose this theme because It makes me disgusted to think of all the animals who are abandoned every year in America and we don't talk about it enough. I begin with the first part on: Overview of the problem, later the second part:

    269 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Sujet BTS culture générale les cérémonies collectives

    Sujet BTS culture générale les cérémonies collectives

    Synthèse Le sujet porte sur les cérémonies collectives, c'est-à-dire sur les commémorations. Celles-ci sont le fait de se rappeler le souvenir d'un événement, d'une personne. Une cérémonie est organisée pour cette occasion. Elle est liée aux devoirs de mémoire qui est une expression qui désigne et postule l'obligation morale de

    2 027 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Sujet d’invention à propos de Knock

    Sujet d’invention à propos de Knock

    Cher Roméo Bouvier, Je suis tombé sur votre incroyable filmographie. De ce fait j’ai vu que vous aviez joué dans l’une des adaptations de L’adversaire de Carrère et que vous aviez interprété avec brio le personnage de Jean-Claude Romand. A cet instant mon choix c’est évidemment porté sur vous, pour

    335 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Summer review

    Summer review

    Certaines dates demeurent gravées dans le marbre. Pour Hawaï, archipel des États-Unis dans l'océan Pacifique, ce sera sans nul doute le 8 août 2023, jour fatidique où les flammes d'un incendie de forêt ont lentement englouti la ville de Lahaina, sur l'île de Maui. Du 8 au 10 août 2023,

    745 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Synthèse - Argumentation

    Synthèse - Argumentation

    L’argumentation - Synthèse L’argumentation a pour but de proposer une réflexion ou défendre une thèse L’argumentation directe * Se trouve dans un texte argumentatif et ces textes ont 2 objectifs : convaincre et persuader Convaincre = utiliser la raison avec thèse et arguments illustrés par des exemples et connecteurs logiques

    1 185 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Synthèse anglais - Places and forms of power - The NRA

    Synthèse anglais - Places and forms of power - The NRA

    Introduction I’m going to treat the notion of “Places and forms of power”. First of all I'd like to give a definition of the notion. The term “Places” denotes important buildings or institutions or a place anywhere in the world. Power is the ability to control others, events or resources;

    1 237 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros, is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?

    Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros, is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?

    Synthèse d’anglais 1 Myth and heroes INTRODUCTION My presentation is going to deal with the notion Myth and Heroes. →To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about the American Dream. The American Dream is the notion that people who start from scratch become rich through hard work. Moreover,

    804 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Synthèse d'anglais Notion 1

    Synthèse d'anglais Notion 1

    Morant Anthony TS2 Synthèse Notion 1 : Idea of progress Sujet : Fiction and Science 1. During this first notion « idea of progress », i focused on new technology like a part of bionic body, cloning, artificial intelligence. This progress could maybechange the human capacity and the world. I

    647 Mots / 3 Pages

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